Release: ExtractivistLeaks (2TB)
Emails from Ecuador's state mining company; Guatemala's ministry of natural resources; Colombia's hydrocarbons agency; and from oil and mining companies in Brazil, Venezuela, Chile and Colombia.
We release this series of datasets at the same time as they are published by Enlace Hacktivista, the anonymous platform for the documentation of hacker history.
The source for these leaks is the hacktivist collective Guacamaya. Guacamaya outlined their motivation in a statement in Spanish that reads in part:
We are not the defenders of nature, we are a part of nature … For our dead, for our ancestors, for the territory, for life, for the land: reparation and justice! We break into their tech systems and hack. We infiltrate its entrails. In this way we seek reparations, knowing that the damage caused to the earth, its children and the dignity of people is irreparable, but just know that we will be there to demand accountability. We will honor our Pachamama and our ancestors, to provide a light for those who come and continue in resistance defending life. Enough with impunity!
The datasets in this release include:
Ecuador state mining company ENAMI (63 GB)
Hacked emails from the state mining company of Ecuador, ENAMI, which was founded under ex-president Rafael Correa's administration. ENAMI is responsible for the destruction of indigenous lands. (torrent)
Colombia’s National Hydrocarbons Agency (62 GB)
Hacked emails from the Agencia Nacional de Hidrocarburos (ANH), which is responsible for administering the country's hydrocarbon resources, including by issuing drilling and mining permits. (torrent)
Colombia’s New Granada Energy Corporation (252 GB)
Hacked emails from the Colombian oil company New Granada, which is the local subsidiary of Sinopec, the Chinese oil refining company. Weekly "Environmental Statistics" emails show the oil spills that are occurring regularly.
Brazil mining company Tejucana (96 GB)
Hacked emails from the Brazilian mining company, Tejucana. (torrent)
From an article cited on Enlace Hacktivista, about the mining company’s activities in Brumadinho:
Tejucana had its activities suspended on January 28 by the National Mining Agency. The ban took place after a series of problems in its structures, which caused flooding in houses and silting in streams in the communities of Tejuco and Córrego do Barro earlier this year.
Chile mining company Quiborax (522 GB)
Hacked emails from a Chilean mining company. Guacamaya writes:
The state grants small reserves where they promise to respect nature but we know that is a lie. This system of death will always try to expand until it exploits and extracts every last corner of the planet. Only what we can defend will remain, and as always the indigenous peoples are on the front line.
Quiborax has been sued by indigenous Quechua people to prevent damage to protected areas in the past.
Oryx Resources of Venezuela (133 GB)
Hacked emails from the Venezuelan oil company owned by Samark Lopez. Samark Lopez is linked to several corruption cases. (torrent)
The emails document a spill of 175,000 liters of oil which was never reported, among other things. The emails are dated up until May 3, 2022. The oil spill occurred April 28.
Limited distribution
Guatemala’s Ministerio de Ambiente y Recursos Naturales (MARN)
Hacked emails from Ministerio de Ambiente y Recursos Naturales (MARN), which controls natural resources in Guatemala. MARN's corruption has resulted in the destruction of natural resources.
We first teased this series of datasets with a promo video at the end of our presentation at Hackers on Planet Earth, on July 22 (full video to this talk is not yet available but will be soon).