Release: Fuerzas Represivas (366 GB)
New data from Guacamaya includes almost 400,000 emails from Chile's military joint chiefs of staff
We have begun to release data from a new series of hacks by Guacamaya called Fuerzas Represivas, focusing on military and police forces in Latin America.
The first dataset from this new series includes email inboxes from the Estado Mayor Conjunto de las Fuerza Armadas of Chile, or the joint chiefs of staff of the Chilean armed forces. The joint chiefs of staff advise the Chilean Minister of Defense on military strategy, and consult with the military’s directorates and departments about personnel, intelligence, operations and logistics.
The emails cache spans over five years, offering the most detailed looks at the leadership, operations and interests of the Chilean military.
This is the first release in a series. Later Fuerzas Represivas releases will include police and military data from Mexico, Peru, El Salvador, Chile, and Colombia.
In addition to a new video and poem about this hack, Guacamaya released a statement to Enlace Hacktivista, a selection of which we have translated. The statement from Guacamaya reads in part:
“In all of Abya Yala, nation states are born after the supposed independence from the monarchies of Spain, England, Portugal and France. These new nation states were based, and today still base their systems, on the model of their own former invaders: the Global North … In these supposed independences, and on the supposed path to liberty and democracy, armed militaries were founded under political constitutions.
Other armed forces begin to appear which, under the pretext of guaranteeing internal order, freedom and well-being, are included under the umbrella of the constitutions and become part of the formation of these same Nation-states.
The governments of the countries of Abya Yala are formed in large part by “creole” families. Born in Abya Yala into families that came from the Global North, they have inherited their family’s history of dispossessing from the native people. They were not interested in the local population, or in maintaining a healthy respect for Mother Earth. These are governments that function in the interests of extractivist capitalism. This is why they need to rely on a strike force. They need armed forces that guarantee the appeasement of any vestige of discontent. The creation of armies as institutional entities, as a professional and organized armed force, guarantees that states can keep their population captive. In several countries in Abya Yala, there is a period of obligatory military service. Children who are approaching the legal age of majority are forced to enlist in their armies. These militaries are factories for assassins, rapists and paranoid persons. No person who has gone through their ranks can emerge to become a mentally healthy person. It is well known the armies drug their young recruits with speed, LSD and steroids, etc..
The internal operations and structure of the armed militaries, as well as the police forces, is based on corruption. The horrors of their pyramidal power structures are sustained by putting new subjects through humiliation and psychological processes to turn them into insensitive and apathetic beings, who are violent and dangerous people. This pyramid system is classist and racist, as the novice police and soldiers patrolling the streets and forests, come from poor families. Meanwhile the mid-level commanders (captains and generals) are calling the shots, and they come from the bourgeois classes.
Throughout the territory of Abya Yala, from Mexico to Patagonia, in the open and in full view of the world, the North American empire has supported or the U.S. military has directly intervened, to cause coup d’etats. These violent coups have led to long periods of military dictatorship, and have been used to impose experimental laboratories of psychological shock tactics, to dominate, minimize and subject the people… The armies of Abya Yala have protected and facilitated extractivist companies from the Global North. They are permissive towards them, and are the bodyguards of this industry. The armed forces are doing the dirty work of the states, of the companies, and of organized crime like drug traffickers. Also, they are subservient, directly trained and funded by the U.S. empire, who maintain their own physical military bases throughout the territory of Abya Yala.
As for police and their derivatives, they are at the service of corrupt governments. They are as much of a part of the scheme as the militaries are. The police forces of Abya Yala, like its militaries, are armed entities which guarantee oppression, injustice, and terror against the people. They guarantee that campesino, indigenous and Black farmers will be dispossessed of their land. They guarantee extractivism. They guarantee neoliberal, capitalist systems.
Let it be clear, the military armies and the police forces of the Abya Yala states are guaranteeing the dominion of the U.S. empire. They are the guaranteeing the extractivist presence of the Global North. They are repressive forces, violent, criminals against their own people. Their internal pyramid of power organization are also despicable.
This is why we at Guacamaya have infiltrated their systems, and have made public the documentation of these entities of terror, to reveal all that we have talked about here. We infiltrated military and police systems from Mexico, Peru, El Salvador, Chile and Colombia, and we have delivered the leaks to those who can legitimately do what they can with this information.
Guacamaya invites the people of Abya Yala to hack and leak the same systems of repression that dominate and enslave us. May it be the people who decide to find a way to liberate us from the terrorism of the state.
It its original Spanish, the statement reads:
En todo Abya Yala, los Estados-nación o países nacen después de las supuestas "independencias" de la monarquía de España, Inglaterra, Portugal y Francia. Estos nuevos Estados-nación se basaron (y, aun hoy, basan) sus sistemas en el modelo del propio "ex-invasor": el Norte Global... Es en estas supuestas independencias y en un supuesto camino a la libertad y la democracia, donde se crean los ejércitos armados bajo constituciones políticas.
Van apareciendo otras fuerzas armadas que, bajo el pretexto de garantizar el orden interno, la libertad y el bienestar, son acogidas bajo el paraguas de las constituciones y bajo la formación misma de los Estados-nación.
Los gobiernos de los países de Abya Yala son en su gran mayoría de familias "criollas". Nacidos en Abya Yala, pero de familias del norte con una herencia venida del despojo de gente nativa. No les interesó la población, ni mantener un respeto sano hacia la Madre Tierra. Son gobiernos funcionales a los intereses del capitalismo basado en el extractivismo. Por ello, necesitan de una fuerza de choque. Necesitan de fuerzas armadas que garanticen el apaciguamiento de cualquier vestigio de descontento. La creación de los ejércitos como entes institucionales, como fuerza armada organizada y profesional, es la garantía de los estados para mantener presos a sus habitantes…En varios países de Abya Yala, existe "el servicio militar obligatorio". Los niños que se acercan a la mayoría de edad son obligados a ser parte de los ejércitos … El ejército es una fábrica de asesinos, violadores y personas paranoides. Ninguna persona que haya pasado por sus filas, vuelve a ser una persona sana a nivel mental. Es sabido del uso de drogas (speed, LSD, anabolizantes, etc.) en bebidas y comida para los jóvenes soldados.
Tanto en los ejércitos armados como en las policías su manera de proceder interna, su propia estructura, está basada en la corrupción. Los horrores dentro de su organización piramidal de poder se sustentan en tener sometidos a los nuevos súbditos con cualquier clase de vejación y procesos psicológicos que los convierte en seres insensibles, apáticos, personas violentas y peligrosas. Este es un sistema piramidal clasista y racista, pues los policías y soldados rasos provienen de familias pobres que son los que van por calles o selvas, mientras los "mandos medios" (capitanes y generales) son los que dirigen y provienen de clases burguesas.
A lo largo del territorio Abya Yalence (desde México hasta la Patagonia) abiertamente y bajo la mirada mundial, con apoyo del imperio norteamericano o intervenciones directas del ejercito estadounidense, se han sufrido "golpes de estado", que han garantizado largas dictaduras militares, así como han sido útiles para imponer "laboratorios experimentales" de choque sociológicos para dominar, minimizar y doblegar a los pueblos … Los ejércitos de Abya Yala han garantizado y facilitado la entrada de empresas extractivistas provenientes del Norte Global. Son permisivos con estas, son los guardaespaldas de dichas empresas. El ejército armado es el que ejerce el trabajo sucio de los estados, de las empresas, de la delincuencia organizada como el narcotráfico. A la vez que son obedientes y entrenados directamente por el imperio norteamericano que también tiene físicamente sus bases en territorio de Abya Yala.
En cuanto a la policía con sus derivados, está al servicio de los gobiernos corruptos. Forma parte de este entramado igual que el ejército. La entidades policiales de Abya Yala, al igual que el ejército, son entes armados que garantizan la opresión, la injusticia, el terror que, contra los pueblos, garantiza el despojo de la tierra a campesinos, indígenas y afrodescendientes. Garantizan el extractivismo. Garantizan sistemas neoliberales y capitalistas.
Para que quede claro, los ejércitos militares y las fuerzas policiales de los Estados de Abya Yala, son la garantía de dominio del imperialismo norteamericano, son garantía de la presencia extractivista del Norte Global. Son fuerzas represoras violentas, criminales en contra de los propios pueblos y sus organigramas piramidales internos de poder también son repudiables.
Es por esto que Guacamaya nos filtramos en sus sistemas y hacemos pública la propia documentación de estos entes del terror, donde queda demostrado lo anteriormente expuesto … Filtramos sistemas militares y policiales de México, Perú, Salvador, Chile, Colombia y entregamos esto a quienes legítimamente hagan lo que puedan con estas informaciones.
Guacamaya invita a los pueblos de Abya Yala a que hackeen y filtren estos sistemas de represión, domino y esclavización que nos domina, y que sean los pueblos los que decidan buscar la manera de liberarnos del terrorismo de los estados.
As Cyberscoop has noted, the next entities from the Guacamaya data will include: the Mexican secretariat of National Defense, El Salvador’s National Civil Police and El Salvador’s Armed Forces, the general command of the Military Forces of Colombia, and the joint command of the Armed Forces of Peru. DDoSecrets is now accepting requests for access to these datasets.

We are also adding Fuerzas Represivas to our re-launched instance of Hunter, for easier searching. Hunter is a resource that we currently make available to other journalists and to researchers who request access. Some of the Fuerzas Represivas data will be categorized as limited distribution, due to containing PII.

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